Ontario Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Ontario

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Air Mileage Chart of Ontario

Distance (kilometers)
Richmond Hill
St. Catharines
Thunder Bay
Hamilton 116 109 279 55 78 126 9 371 52 39 45 293 925 58
London 116 218 165 80 176 198 123 390 164 88 102 408 866 79
Oshawa 109 218 383 141 46 84 100 331 89 131 119 193 943 143
Windsor 279 165 383 243 340 354 287 493 324 252 265 572 835 242
Kitchener 55 80 141 243 97 121 58 340 106 17 22 333 873 3
Richmond Hill 78 176 46 340 97 59 68 315 81 89 75 240 908 99
Barrie 126 198 84 354 121 59 117 256 140 121 102 257 858 121
Burlington 9 123 100 287 58 68 117 365 49 42 44 285 924 60
Sudbury 371 390 331 493 340 315 256 365 395 350 333 433 657 339
St. Catharines 52 164 89 324 106 81 140 49 395 90 92 251 970 109
Cambridge 39 88 131 252 17 89 121 42 350 90 19 321 889 20
Guelph 45 102 119 265 22 75 102 44 333 92 19 311 881 24
Kingston 293 408 193 572 333 240 257 285 433 251 321 311 1,084 335
Thunder Bay 925 866 943 835 873 908 858 924 657 970 889 881 1,084 870
Waterloo 58 79 143 242 3 99 121 60 339 109 20 24 335 870

Map of Ontario with Flight Distances

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