Newfoundland and Labrador Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Newfoundland and Labrador

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Air Mileage Chart of Newfoundland and Labrador

Distance (kilometers)
St John's
Corner Brook
Happy Valley - Goose Bay
Grand Falls
Mount Pearl
Bay Roberts
Grand Falls-Windsor
Labrador City
St John's 417 834 1,019 838 949 953 1,171 266 8 12 43 266 1,171 43
Corner Brook 417 510 740 582 687 674 881 167 413 408 378 168 769 374
Happy Valley - Goose Bay 834 510 241 158 212 183 372 584 833 830 807 583 443 795
Hopedale 1,019 740 241 183 78 67 151 790 1,020 1,018 999 788 518 985
Rigolet 838 582 158 183 112 119 334 614 839 836 818 613 577 803
Makkovik 949 687 212 78 112 42 226 726 950 948 930 724 558 915
Postville 953 674 183 67 119 42 218 722 954 951 932 721 516 918
Nain 1,171 881 372 151 334 226 218 939 1,172 1,169 1,150 937 522 1,136
Grand Falls 266 167 584 790 614 726 722 939 263 259 231 2 905 223
Mount Pearl 8 413 833 1,020 839 950 954 1,172 263 5 36 264 1,168 40
Paradise 12 408 830 1,018 836 948 951 1,169 259 5 31 259 1,164 36
Bay Roberts 43 378 807 999 818 930 932 1,150 231 36 31 232 1,136 18
Grand Falls-Windsor 266 168 583 788 613 724 721 937 2 264 259 232 905 224
Labrador City 1,171 769 443 518 577 558 516 522 905 1,168 1,164 1,136 905 1,128
Carbonear 43 374 795 985 803 915 918 1,136 223 40 36 18 224 1,128

Map of Newfoundland and Labrador with Flight Distances

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