Canada Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Canada

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Air Mileage Chart of Canada

Distance (kilometers)
Calgary 279 1,200 675 2,700 660 3,004 3,758 2,619 2,733 729 2,537 2,872 2,645 3,028
Edmonton 279 1,194 818 2,702 808 2,958 3,686 2,631 2,724 892 2,565 2,835 2,648 2,982
Winnipeg 1,200 1,194 1,863 1,509 1,846 1,808 2,578 1,437 1,536 1,903 1,375 1,673 1,455 1,832
Vancouver 675 818 1,863 3,344 21 3,671 4,431 3,258 3,384 94 3,164 3,537 3,289 3,695
Hamilton 2,700 2,702 1,509 3,344 3,326 550 1,312 116 109 3,372 279 411 55 569
Surrey 660 808 1,846 21 3,326 3,654 4,415 3,239 3,366 92 3,145 3,519 3,271 3,678
Laval 3,004 2,958 1,808 3,671 550 3,654 805 662 444 3,710 827 154 584 25
Halifax 3,758 3,686 2,578 4,431 1,312 4,415 805 1,427 1,218 4,476 1,588 958 1,357 781
London 2,619 2,631 1,437 3,258 116 3,239 662 1,427 218 3,284 165 519 80 682
Oshawa 2,733 2,724 1,536 3,384 109 3,366 444 1,218 218 3,415 383 302 141 463
Victoria 729 892 1,903 94 3,372 92 3,710 4,476 3,284 3,415 3,186 3,574 3,317 3,735
Windsor 2,537 2,565 1,375 3,164 279 3,145 827 1,588 165 383 3,186 682 243 846
Gatineau 2,872 2,835 1,673 3,537 411 3,519 154 958 519 302 3,574 682 439 178
Kitchener 2,645 2,648 1,455 3,289 55 3,271 584 1,357 80 141 3,317 243 439 604
Longueuil 3,028 2,982 1,832 3,695 569 3,678 25 781 682 463 3,735 846 178 604

Map of Canada with Flight Distances

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Mileage charts of regions in the Canada