Peru Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Peru

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Air Mileage Chart of Peru

Distance (kilometers)
Lima 764 491 664 1,014 199 860 373 492 984 264 838 893 253 329
Arequipa 764 1,229 1,402 1,419 623 1,593 1,117 949 226 519 181 1,623 881 462
Trujillo 491 1,229 174 803 608 370 118 495 1,454 754 1,269 402 367 769
Chiclayo 664 1,402 174 804 779 195 292 612 1,627 928 1,436 229 530 940
Iquitos 1,014 1,419 803 804 951 835 837 535 1,620 1,179 1,350 835 763 1,052
Huancayo 199 623 608 779 951 970 498 417 848 228 667 1,001 264 161
Piura 860 1,593 370 195 835 970 487 761 1,818 1,123 1,621 34 715 1,131
Chimbote 373 1,117 118 292 837 498 487 452 1,341 636 1,163 520 275 658
Pucallpa 492 949 495 612 535 417 761 452 1,167 645 925 782 254 533
Tacna 984 226 1,454 1,627 1,620 848 1,818 1,341 1,167 732 281 1,849 1,107 687
Ica 264 519 754 928 1,179 228 1,123 636 645 732 622 1,156 463 191
Juliaca 838 181 1,269 1,436 1,350 667 1,621 1,163 925 281 622 1,650 906 512
Sullana 893 1,623 402 229 835 1,001 34 520 782 1,849 1,156 1,650 745 1,161
Huánuco 253 881 367 530 763 264 715 275 254 1,107 463 906 745 421
Ayacucho 329 462 769 940 1,052 161 1,131 658 533 687 191 512 1,161 421

Map of Peru with Flight Distances

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Mileage charts of regions in the Peru