Yukon Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Yukon

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Air Mileage Chart of Yukon

Distance (kilometers)
Watson Lake
Dawson City
Ross River
Porter Creek
Haines Junction
Old Crow
Stewart Crossing
Whitehorse 356 434 322 64 191 197 166 8 10 134 142 796 307 438
Watson Lake 356 713 544 333 347 293 466 362 364 489 223 994 558 715
Dawson City 434 713 181 497 367 421 270 427 425 381 556 391 155 4
Mayo 322 544 181 386 199 251 168 316 314 327 416 478 46 182
Carcross 64 333 497 386 240 235 230 71 73 167 110 860 371 501
Faro 191 347 367 199 240 55 153 188 187 275 232 667 212 369
Ross River 197 293 421 251 235 55 201 197 196 302 202 712 266 423
Carmacks 166 466 270 168 230 153 201 158 157 162 287 632 144 274
Porter Creek 8 362 427 316 71 188 197 158 2 128 149 789 300 430
Crestview 10 364 425 314 73 187 196 157 2 127 151 787 298 428
Haines Junction 134 489 381 327 167 275 302 162 128 127 270 767 295 385
Teslin 142 223 556 416 110 232 202 287 149 151 270 893 413 559
Old Crow 796 994 391 478 860 667 712 632 789 787 767 893 489 387
Stewart Crossing 307 558 155 46 371 212 266 144 300 298 295 413 489 158
Moosehide 438 715 4 182 501 369 423 274 430 428 385 559 387 158

Map of Yukon with Flight Distances

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