Saskatchewan Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Saskatchewan

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Air Mileage Chart of Saskatchewan

Distance (kilometers)
Prince Albert
Moose Jaw
North Battleford
Swift Current
Meadow Lake
Duck Lake
Saskatoon 235 134 208 132 307 220 22 420 337 161 252 106 298 81
Regina 235 316 66 363 174 227 249 185 103 269 485 199 138 285
Prince Albert 134 316 312 177 315 354 113 489 414 85 205 119 323 54
Moose Jaw 208 66 312 326 235 161 225 229 146 281 459 203 202 272
North Battleford 132 363 177 326 436 279 127 548 464 248 151 225 429 139
Yorkton 307 174 315 235 436 390 309 232 198 235 517 214 40 313
Swift Current 220 227 354 161 279 390 242 367 291 362 430 284 360 301
Warman 22 249 113 225 127 309 242 433 351 146 236 100 303 59
Estevan 420 185 489 229 548 232 367 433 84 428 668 371 198 466
Weyburn 337 103 414 146 464 198 291 351 84 359 587 296 159 387
Melfort 161 269 85 281 248 235 362 146 428 359 289 81 248 109
Meadow Lake 252 485 205 459 151 517 430 236 668 587 289 308 521 207
Humboldt 106 199 119 203 225 214 284 100 371 296 81 308 214 101
Melville 298 138 323 202 429 40 360 303 198 159 248 521 214 315
Duck Lake 81 285 54 272 139 313 301 59 466 387 109 207 101 315

Map of Saskatchewan with Flight Distances

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