Nunavut Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Nunavut

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Air Mileage Chart of Nunavut

Distance (kilometers)
Rankin Inlet
Clyde River
Arctic Bay
Pond Inlet
Cape Dorset
Hall Beach
Coral Harbour
Grise Fiord
Cambridge Bay
Iqaluit 1,177 298 2,118 747 1,228 1,573 1,088 1,066 395 794 715 1,338 1,501 1,700
Rankin Inlet 1,177 1,307 1,196 1,327 1,172 1,327 646 1,244 785 826 467 215 1,551 912
Pangnirtung 298 1,307 2,098 495 1,066 1,417 1,060 868 548 720 844 1,493 1,285 1,667
Kugluktuk 2,118 1,196 2,098 1,818 1,238 1,042 1,040 1,467 1,756 1,380 1,484 1,244 1,424 433
Clyde River 747 1,327 495 1,818 641 981 850 411 771 523 938 1,539 798 1,388
Arctic Bay 1,228 1,172 1,066 1,238 641 351 528 239 1,037 495 993 1,377 382 834
Resolute 1,573 1,327 1,417 1,042 981 351 707 570 1,352 809 1,255 1,511 382 712
Kugaaruk 1,088 646 1,060 1,040 850 528 707 635 758 349 572 849 906 614
Pond Inlet 1,066 1,244 868 1,467 411 239 570 635 943 453 975 1,457 439 1,052
Cape Dorset 395 785 548 1,756 771 1,037 1,352 758 943 545 321 956 1,374 1,352
Hall Beach 794 826 720 1,380 523 495 809 349 453 545 523 1,040 853 948
Coral Harbour 715 467 844 1,484 938 993 1,255 572 975 321 523 650 1,366 1,105
Arviat 1,338 215 1,493 1,244 1,539 1,377 1,511 849 1,457 956 1,040 650 1,754 1,025
Grise Fiord 1,501 1,551 1,285 1,424 798 382 382 906 439 1,374 853 1,366 1,754 1,079
Cambridge Bay 1,700 912 1,667 433 1,388 834 712 614 1,052 1,352 948 1,105 1,025 1,079

Map of Nunavut with Flight Distances

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