Nova Scotia Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Nova Scotia

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Air Mileage Chart of Nova Scotia

Distance (kilometers)
Lower Sackville
Cole Harbour
Glace Bay
New Glasgow
Halifax 312 3 16 83 7 331 127 87 141 81 113 165 117 58
Sydney 312 310 312 256 304 19 200 355 312 391 391 150 304 332
Dartmouth 3 310 14 79 7 329 124 85 138 82 113 162 114 56
Lower Sackville 16 312 14 73 19 331 122 72 125 79 101 163 101 43
Truro 83 256 79 73 78 275 56 99 88 146 136 106 67 78
Cole Harbour 7 304 7 19 78 323 121 91 141 88 119 158 117 62
Glace Bay 331 19 329 331 275 323 219 374 331 410 411 170 323 352
New Glasgow 127 200 124 122 56 121 219 155 125 199 192 51 110 134
Kentville 87 355 85 72 99 91 374 155 87 78 37 205 71 30
Amherst 141 312 138 125 88 141 331 125 87 164 111 174 25 94
Bridgewater 81 391 82 79 146 88 410 199 78 164 74 242 145 75
Greenwood 113 391 113 101 136 119 411 192 37 111 74 242 101 63
Antigonish 165 150 162 163 106 158 170 51 205 174 242 242 161 182
Springhill 117 304 114 101 67 117 323 110 71 25 145 101 161 73
Windsor 58 332 56 43 78 62 352 134 30 94 75 63 182 73

Map of Nova Scotia with Flight Distances

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