Northwest Territories Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Northwest Territories

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Air Mileage Chart of Northwest Territories

Distance (kilometers)
Hay River
Fort Smith
Norman Wells
Sachs Harbour (Ikahuak)
Old Town
Yellowknife 881 197 1,102 303 92 88 685 1,140 1,144 1,155 96 933 1 3
Paulatuk 881 1,023 402 1,184 814 815 467 351 458 297 808 285 881 880
Hay River 197 1,023 1,190 232 219 219 744 1,245 1,225 1,309 225 1,107 198 200
Inuvik 1,102 402 1,190 1,393 1,017 1,020 455 124 56 514 1,012 671 1,102 1,102
Fort Smith 303 1,184 232 1,393 379 376 959 1,438 1,433 1,456 384 1,223 303 304
Edzo 92 814 219 1,017 379 5 594 1,059 1,057 1,095 6 888 93 93
Behchoko 88 815 219 1,020 376 5 598 1,062 1,061 1,096 8 888 88 88
Norman Wells 685 467 744 455 959 594 598 533 485 749 590 713 685 685
Tuktoyaktuk 1,140 351 1,245 124 1,438 1,059 1,062 533 158 402 1,054 594 1,140 1,140
Aklavik 1,144 458 1,225 56 1,433 1,057 1,061 485 158 558 1,053 726 1,144 1,144
Sachs Harbour (Ikahuak) 1,155 297 1,309 514 1,456 1,095 1,096 749 402 558 1,089 300 1,154 1,154
Rae 96 808 225 1,012 384 6 8 590 1,054 1,053 1,089 882 96 96
Ulukhaktok 933 285 1,107 671 1,223 888 888 713 594 726 300 882 932 931
Old Town 1 881 198 1,102 303 93 88 685 1,140 1,144 1,154 96 932 1
N'Dilo 3 880 200 1,102 304 93 88 685 1,140 1,144 1,154 96 931 1

Map of Northwest Territories with Flight Distances

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