Manitoba Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Manitoba

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Air Mileage Chart of Manitoba

Distance (kilometers)
Portage la Prairie
Flin Flon
The Pas
Swan River
Winnipeg 200 81 653 36 52 248 95 630 1,007 102 520 379 30 91
Brandon 200 120 670 223 238 145 164 562 1,060 153 450 267 191 192
Portage la Prairie 81 120 643 102 125 181 91 586 1,014 88 474 316 71 110
Thompson 653 670 643 626 695 530 729 277 403 729 304 462 625 739
Selkirk 36 223 102 626 70 250 131 615 975 138 506 376 32 126
Steinbach 52 238 125 695 70 299 98 681 1,040 109 571 430 81 79
Dauphin 248 145 181 530 250 299 265 421 926 258 308 136 223 289
Winkler 95 164 91 729 131 98 265 677 1,093 12 564 401 114 29
Flin Flon 630 562 586 277 615 681 421 677 646 672 113 299 601 696
Churchill 1,007 1,060 1,014 403 975 1,040 926 1,093 646 1,095 701 865 982 1,097
Morden 102 153 88 729 138 109 258 12 672 1,095 559 393 119 41
The Pas 520 450 474 304 506 571 308 564 113 701 559 191 490 583
Swan River 379 267 316 462 376 430 136 401 299 865 393 191 352 424
Stonewall 30 191 71 625 32 81 223 114 601 982 119 490 352 116
Altona 91 192 110 739 126 79 289 29 696 1,097 41 583 424 116

Map of Manitoba with Flight Distances

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