British Columbia Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of British Columbia

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Air Mileage Chart of British Columbia

Distance (kilometers)
Prince George
New Westminster
Port Coquitlam
North Vancouver
Vancouver 21 94 11 62 23 270 61 85 253 518 16 25 7 298
Surrey 21 92 11 40 12 254 80 65 244 526 5 10 22 284
Victoria 94 92 95 103 104 325 92 132 332 612 93 102 102 360
Burnaby 11 11 95 51 13 261 71 75 246 520 6 15 11 290
Abbotsford 62 40 103 51 43 225 118 30 230 542 46 39 62 259
Coquitlam 23 12 104 13 43 247 84 63 234 515 12 4 21 276
Kelowna 270 254 325 261 225 247 331 194 106 500 258 246 265 45
Nanaimo 61 80 92 71 118 84 331 145 307 535 75 86 65 358
Chilliwack 85 65 132 75 30 63 194 145 204 531 70 60 83 229
Kamloops 253 244 332 246 230 234 106 307 204 396 246 234 247 89
Prince George 518 526 612 520 542 515 500 535 531 396 524 518 512 470
New Westminster 16 5 93 6 46 12 258 75 70 246 524 12 18 287
Port Coquitlam 25 10 102 15 39 4 246 86 60 234 518 12 23 275
North Vancouver 7 22 102 11 62 21 265 65 83 247 512 18 23 293
Vernon 298 284 360 290 259 276 45 358 229 89 470 287 275 293

Map of British Columbia with Flight Distances

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