Map of Parque Residencial Laranjeiras

Here is the location map of Parque Residencial Laranjeiras.

Where is located Parque Residencial Laranjeiras?

Region is located in Carapina, Serra, Microrregião Vitória, Greater Vitória, Mesorregião Central Espírito-Santense, Espírito Santo, Southeast Region, Brazil. Parque Residencial Laranjeiras is located 1 km from FABAVI Faculdade Batista de Vitória and 8 km from Colônia de Férias Presidente Paulo Pinto. The nearest lake Lago das tartarugas is 10 km away. The nearest beach Praia de Camburi is 8 km away. The nearest museum Museu Solar Monjardim is 14 km away. The nearest park Ilha das Andorinhas is 187 km away. The nearest castle Portal is 103 km away. The nearest city Terminal Intermodal da Serra is 6 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals