Map of Jamaica

Here is the location map of Jamaica.

Where is located Jamaica?

Region is located in Região Intermediária de Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, Southeast Region, Brazil. Jamaica is located 44 km from Faculdade Uniesp and 30 km from Balneário Municipal Frederico Platzeck. The nearest lake Fonte Lar das Carpas is 76 km away. The nearest beach Balneário Municipal Frederico Platzeck is 30 km away. The nearest museum Museu Histórico Municipal is 23 km away. The nearest park Reserva Ecológica Edgard Gonçalves is 214 km away. The nearest castle Homenagem aos imigrantes Japoneses is 88 km away. The nearest city Dracena is 13 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals