Map of Aracati

Here is the location map of Aracati.

Where is located Aracati?

City is located in Aracati, Microrregião do Litoral de Aracati, Mesorregião de Jaguaribe, Ceará, Northeast Region, Brazil. Aracati is located 2 km from Instituto Federal do Ceará and 130 km from Camping São Luís. The nearest lake Lago Norte is 8 km away. The nearest beach Praia de Ponta Grossa is 30 km away. The nearest museum Núcleo de Informação Tecnológica - NIT is 75 km away. The nearest park Reserva Legal de Caatinga is 261 km away. The nearest castle Castelo de Bivar is 259 km away. The nearest city Jaguaruana is 30 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals