Map of WSU Vera Prentis Lande Building

Here is the location map of WSU Vera Prentis Lande Building.

Where is located WSU Vera Prentis Lande Building?

University is located in Detroit, Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, United States. WSU Vera Prentis Lande Building is located 0 km from WSU Scott Hall of Basic Medical Sciences and 49 km from Camp Agawam Training and Activities Center. The nearest lake Lake Tacoma is 6 km away. The nearest beach Belle Isle Beach is 6 km away. The nearest museum Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit is 1 km away. The nearest park Maumee Bay State Park is 80 km away. The nearest castle Franklin Castle is 147 km away. The nearest city Detroit is 5 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals