Map of UTIC

Here is the location map of UTIC.

Where is located UTIC?

University is located in Ñemby, Central, Región Oriental. UTIC is located 5 km from CEMTA (Facultad de teologia y musica) and 16 km from Jardín Botánico y Zoológico de Asunción. The nearest lake Laguna Aratiri is 10 km away. The nearest beach Playa Club Centenario is 25 km away. The nearest museum Museo Mitológico Ramón Elias is 11 km away. The nearest park Monumento Natural Cerro Koi is 17 km away. The nearest castle Castelletto Dal Pozzo is 358 km away. The nearest city Aral Moreira is 334 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals