Map of Unidade Saúde da Família

Here is the location map of Unidade Saúde da Família.

Where is located Unidade Saúde da Família?

Hospital is located in Santa Teresa, Santa Teresa, Microrregião Santa Teresa, Mesorregião Central Espírito-Santense, Espírito Santo, Southeast Region, Brazil. Unidade Saúde da Família is located 19 km from Faculdade da Região Serrana and 51 km from Colônia de Férias Presidente Paulo Pinto. The nearest lake Represa Canidé is 40 km away. The nearest beach Praia Grande is 46 km away. The nearest museum Museu Municipal is 18 km away. The nearest park Ilha das Andorinhas is 174 km away. The nearest castle Portal is 78 km away. The nearest city Beira-Rio is 19 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals