Map of Teixeira Soares

Here is the location map of Teixeira Soares.

Where is located Teixeira Soares?

City is located in Microrregião de Prudentópolis, Mesorregião Sudeste Paranaense, Paraná, South Region, Brazil. Teixeira Soares is located 43 km from Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa and 159 km from Camping Lagoa Azul. The nearest lake Lago de Olarias is 43 km away. The nearest beach Praia de Caieiras is 198 km away. The nearest museum Museu de Geologia is 49 km away. The nearest park Parque Iguaçu is 127 km away. The nearest castle Castelo do Batel is 118 km away. The nearest city Imbituva is 21 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals