Map of Scholes International Airport at Galveston

Here is the location map of Scholes International Airport at Galveston.

Where is located Scholes International Airport at Galveston?

Airport is located in Galveston, Galveston, Galveston County, Texas, United States. Scholes International Airport at Galveston is located 7 km from Texas A&M University at Galveston and 241 km from Riceville Campground. The nearest lake Bieri Lake is 50 km away. The nearest beach MacFadden Beach is 87 km away. The nearest museum Lone Star Flight Museum is 1 km away. The nearest park Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary is 192 km away. The nearest castle Newman's Castle is 161 km away. The nearest city Galveston is 3 km away.

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