Map of Microrregião de Belém

Here is the location map of Microrregião de Belém.

Where is located Microrregião de Belém?

Region is located in Pará, North Region, Brazil. Microrregião de Belém is located 6 km from FEAPA and 780 km from CRV - Centro de Recuperação de Vidas. The nearest lake Lago da Prodepa is 5 km away. The nearest beach Praia do Cruzeiro is 8 km away. The nearest museum Museu de Arte Sacra do Pará is 10 km away. The nearest park Réserve Naturelle des Nouragues is 767 km away. The nearest castle Colegio das irmães is 298 km away. The nearest city Itaiteua is 11 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals