Map of Lakeview Specialty Hospital and Rehab

Here is the location map of Lakeview Specialty Hospital and Rehab.

Where is located Lakeview Specialty Hospital and Rehab?

Hospital is located in Racine County, Wisconsin, United States. Lakeview Specialty Hospital and Rehab is located 11 km from Sheperd's College and 6 km from W.R. Wadewitz Nature Camp. The nearest lake Eagle Lake is 5 km away. The nearest beach twin lakes park beach is 26 km away. The nearest museum Ten Chimneys is 31 km away. The nearest park Genesee Oak Opening & Fen State Natural Area is 29 km away. The nearest castle Pratt's Castle is 76 km away. The nearest city Burlington is 11 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals