Map of Jardim Santa Terezinha

Here is the location map of Jardim Santa Terezinha.

Where is located Jardim Santa Terezinha?

Region is located in Américo Brasiliense, Região Imediata de Araraquara, Região Intermediária de Araraquara, São Paulo, Southeast Region, Brazil. Jardim Santa Terezinha is located 9 km from Universidade de Araraquara and 104 km from Acampamento Quadrangular "Noemia Baggio Tognolli". The nearest lake Lago is 8 km away. The nearest beach Praia artificial is 51 km away. The nearest museum Palacete das Rosas Paulo A. C. Silva is 8 km away. The nearest park Estação Ecológica do Noroeste Paulista is 169 km away. The nearest castle Castelo Almansa is 54 km away. The nearest city Rincão is 17 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals