Map of IMSS Clinica No. 15

Here is the location map of IMSS Clinica No. 15.

Where is located IMSS Clinica No. 15?

Hospital is located in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. IMSS Clinica No. 15 is located 2 km from High Scool Alvaro Obregón UANL and 228 km from Camp Loma de Vida. The nearest lake Lago Aceración is 3 km away. The nearest beach Boca Chica Beach is 315 km away. The nearest museum Museo del Vidrio is 3 km away. The nearest park Chaparral WMA is 304 km away. The nearest castle Fuerte de Gigedo is 285 km away. The nearest city Monterrey is 5 km away.

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