Map of Hospital de Gineco Pediatría 3A

Here is the location map of Hospital de Gineco Pediatría 3A.

Where is located Hospital de Gineco Pediatría 3A?

Hospital is located in Gustavo A. Madero, Gustavo A. Madero, Mexico City, Mexico. Hospital de Gineco Pediatría 3A is located 1 km from Unidad Profesional Adolfo Lòpez Mateos ZACATENCO and 91 km from Campamento conejos. The nearest lake Lago Artificial Zen is 4 km away. The nearest beach Playa Maracaibo is 261 km away. The nearest museum Museo de Geología del IPN is 3 km away. The nearest park cerro del chiquihuite is 5 km away. The nearest castle Castillo de Chapultepec is 9 km away. The nearest city Gustavo A. Madero is 2 km away.

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