Map of Henry Ford Medical Center - Hamtramck

Here is the location map of Henry Ford Medical Center - Hamtramck.

Where is located Henry Ford Medical Center - Hamtramck?

Hospital is located in Hamtramck, Detroit, Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, United States. Henry Ford Medical Center - Hamtramck is located 3 km from College for Creative Studies - Ford Campus and 45 km from Camp Agawam Training and Activities Center. The nearest lake Lake Tacoma is 8 km away. The nearest beach Belle Isle Beach is 8 km away. The nearest museum Ford Piquette Avenue Plant is 3 km away. The nearest park Maumee Bay State Park is 83 km away. The nearest castle Franklin Castle is 150 km away. The nearest city Detroit is 4 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals