Map of Centro de Salud "Helena Zabinski"

Here is the location map of Centro de Salud "Helena Zabinski".

Where is located Centro de Salud "Helena Zabinski"?

Hospital is located in Distrito Corrales, Departamento Victoria, Entre Ríos, Argentina. Centro de Salud "Helena Zabinski" is located 65 km from Universidad Adventista del Plata and 16 km from Canping. The nearest lake Laguna El Sauce is 35 km away. The nearest beach Playa Municipal Victoria is 16 km away. The nearest museum Centro de Expresiones Contemporáneas is 72 km away. The nearest park Reserva Municipal Islas de Victoria is 46 km away. The nearest castle Chateau d'Ivry is 244 km away. The nearest city Tabajara Brites is 413 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals