Map of Centro Comunitario de Salud Familiar CECOSF Dr. Amador Neghme de Arica

Here is the location map of Centro Comunitario de Salud Familiar CECOSF Dr. Amador Neghme de Arica.

Where is located Centro Comunitario de Salud Familiar CECOSF Dr. Amador Neghme de Arica?

Hospital is located in Arica, Provincia de Arica, Región de Arica y Parinacota, Chile. Centro Comunitario de Salud Familiar CECOSF Dr. Amador Neghme de Arica is located 4 km from Inacap and 150 km from Base Camp. The nearest lake Laguna Blanca is 113 km away. The nearest beach Playa Chinchorro is 2 km away. The nearest museum Museo del Ferrocarril is 5 km away. The nearest park Turtle Protection Area is 4 km away. The nearest castle Castillo de Mollendo is 240 km away. The nearest city Xapuri is 887 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals