Map of Camping Las Proteas

Here is the location map of Camping Las Proteas.

Where is located Camping Las Proteas?

Camping is located in Pichilemu, Provincia de Cardenal Caro, Región del Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins, Chile. Camping Las Proteas is located 66 km from Universidad de Talca Sede Colchagua and 1 km from Camping Pequeño Bosque. The nearest lake Laguna Torca is 41 km away. The nearest beach Playa Infiernillo is 2 km away. The nearest museum Ex-Casino Agustín Ross is 2 km away. The nearest park Santuario de la Naturaleza Alto Huemul is 136 km away. The nearest castle Castillo Butrón is 121 km away. The nearest city Tabajara Brites is 1,493 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals