Map of CAAS-Hafen Landing Strip

Here is the location map of CAAS-Hafen Landing Strip.

Where is located CAAS-Hafen Landing Strip?

Airport is located in Pahrump, Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada, United States. CAAS-Hafen Landing Strip is located 52 km from Roseman University of Health Sciences Summerlin Campus and 26 km from McWilliams Campground. The nearest lake Lake Sahara is 55 km away. The nearest beach Driving Range is 84 km away. The nearest museum Sahara West Library and Fine Arts Museum is 53 km away. The nearest park Mount Charleston Wilderness Area is 23 km away. The nearest castle Castle Green is 303 km away. The nearest city Pahrump is 15 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals