Map of Aeropuerto Internacional Laguna del Sauce "Capitán de Corbeta Carlos Curbelo"

Here is the location map of Aeropuerto Internacional Laguna del Sauce "Capitán de Corbeta Carlos Curbelo".

Where is located Aeropuerto Internacional Laguna del Sauce "Capitán de Corbeta Carlos Curbelo"?

Airport is located in Maldonado. Aeropuerto Internacional Laguna del Sauce "Capitán de Corbeta Carlos Curbelo" is located 14 km from Escuela Ramirez (Formación de Maestros) and 31 km from Paraisa Suiza. The nearest lake Laguna del medio is 132 km away. The nearest beach Playa Chihuaha is 3 km away. The nearest museum Cuartel de Dragones is 14 km away. The nearest park Reserva de Biosfera Parque Costero del Sur is 205 km away. The nearest castle Castillo de Piria is 14 km away. The nearest city Santa Vitória do Palmar is 218 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals