Map of Waukesha County Airport/Crites Field

Here is the location map of Waukesha County Airport/Crites Field.

Where is located Waukesha County Airport/Crites Field?

Airport is located in Waukesha, Waukesha, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, United States. Waukesha County Airport/Crites Field is located 3 km from New Tribes Bible Institute and 32 km from W.R. Wadewitz Nature Camp. The nearest lake Fox Brook Lake is 6 km away. The nearest beach Pebble Beach is 28 km away. The nearest museum Ten Chimneys is 14 km away. The nearest park Genesee Oak Opening & Fen State Natural Area is 15 km away. The nearest castle Pratt's Castle is 109 km away. The nearest city City of Pewaukee is 3 km away.

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