Map of CECOSF Vista Hermosa

Here is the location map of CECOSF Vista Hermosa.

Where is located CECOSF Vista Hermosa?

Hospital is located in Quellón, Provincia de Chiloé, Región de Los Lagos, Chile. CECOSF Vista Hermosa is located 72 km from Universidad de Los Lagos and 69 km from El Chilote. The nearest lake Lago San Antonio is 21 km away. The nearest beach Playa Sabanilla is 71 km away. The nearest museum Museo Amador Cárdenas is 2 km away. The nearest park Parque Tantauco is 41 km away. The nearest castle Fuerte Reina Luisa is 285 km away. The nearest city Tabajara Brites is 2,084 km away.

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