Map of FAAT

Here is the location map of FAAT.

Where is located FAAT?

University is located in Atibaia, Atibaia, Região Imediata de Bragança Paulista, Região Intermediária de Campinas, São Paulo, Southeast Region, Brazil. FAAT is located 13 km from Universidade São Francisco and 45 km from Mirante do Paraíso. The nearest lake Lago do Major is 3 km away. The nearest beach Prainha is 76 km away. The nearest museum Museu Municipal is 3 km away. The nearest park Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - Núcleo Santa Virgínia is 143 km away. The nearest castle Castelo das Crianças is 58 km away. The nearest city Atibaia is 5 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals