Distance between Cloridorme QC and Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine QC
The distance from Cloridorme to Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine is 38 kilometers by road. Road takes approximately 29 minutes and goes through Petite-Vallée, Grande-Vallée and Petite-Anse.
Shortest distance by air | 33 km ✈️ |
Car route length | 38 km 🚗 |
Driving time | 29 min |
Fuel amount | 3.1 L |
Fuel cost | 5.4 CAD |
Point | Distance | Time | Fuel | |
Cloridorme | 0 km | 00 min | 0.0 L | |
132 2 km, 01 min
Petite-Anse | 2 km | 01 min | 0.1 L | |
132 11 km, 07 min
Petite-Vallée | 13 km | 08 min | 0.8 L | |
132 7 km, 05 min
Grande-Vallée | 19 km | 14 min | 1.3 L | |
132 19 km, 14 min
Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine | 38 km | 29 min | 2.4 L |
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to drive from Cloridorme to Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine?
Fuel cost: 5.4 CAD
This fuel cost is calculated as: (Route length 38 km / 100 km) * (Fuel consumption 8 L/100 km) * (Fuel price 1.74 CAD / L)
You can adjust fuel consumption and fuel price here.
How long is a car ride from Cloridorme to Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine?
Driving time: 29 min
This time is calculated for driving at the maximum permitted speed, taking into account traffic rules restrictions.
- 15 km with a maximum speed 90 km/h = 9 min
- 23 km with a maximum speed 80 km/h = 17 min
- 1 km with a maximum speed 20 km/h = 2 min
The calculated driving time does not take into account intermediate stops and traffic jams.
How far is Cloridorme to Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine by land?
The distance between Cloridorme and Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine is 38 km by road.
Precise satellite coordinates of highways were used for this calculation. The start and finish points are the centers of Cloridorme and Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine respectively.
How far is Cloridorme to Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine by plane?
The shortest distance (air line, as the crow flies) between Cloridorme and Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine is 33 km.
This distance is calculated using the Haversine formula as a great-circle distance between two points on the surface of a sphere. The start and finish points are the centers of Cloridorme and Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine respectively. Actual distance between airports may be different.
How many hours is Cloridorme from Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine by plane?
Boeing 737 airliner needs 2 min to cover the distance of 33 km at a cruising speed of 800 km/h.
Small plane "Cessna 172" needs 9 min to flight this distance at average speed of 220 km/h.
This time is approximate and do not take into account takeoff and landing times, airport location and other real world factors.
How long is a helicopter ride from Cloridorme to Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine?
Fast helicopter "Eurocopter AS350" or "Hughes OH-6 Cayuse" need 8 min to cover the distance of 33 km at a cruising speed of 240 km/h.
Popular "Robinson R44" needs 9 min to flight this distance at average speed of 210 km/h.
This time is approximate and do not take into account takeoff and landing times, aerodrome location and other real world factors.
What city is halfway between Cloridorme and Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine?
The halfway point between Cloridorme and Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine is Grande-Vallée.
The distance from Grande-Vallée to Cloridorme is 19 km and driving will take about 14 min. The road between Grande-Vallée and Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine has length 19 km and will take approximately 14 min.
Where is Cloridorme in relation to Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine?
Cloridorme is located 33 km east of Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine.
Cloridorme has geographic coordinates: latitude 49.18579, longitude -64.85273.
Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine has geographic coordinates: latitude 49.23707, longitude -65.29826.
Which highway goes from Cloridorme to Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine?
The route from Cloridorme to Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine follows 132.