Map of Drobysh-Patterson Airfield

Here is the location map of Drobysh-Patterson Airfield.

Where is located Drobysh-Patterson Airfield?

Airport is located in Merrimack, Merrimack, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States. Drobysh-Patterson Airfield is located 6 km from Southern New Hampshire University and 15 km from Camp Doucet. The nearest lake Lake Massapoag is 86 km away. The nearest beach Baboosic Lake Town Beach is 9 km away. The nearest museum Nashua Historical Society is 8 km away. The nearest park Nissitissit River Wildlife Management Area is 19 km away. The nearest castle Harvard Lampoon Building is 60 km away. The nearest city Merrimack is 3 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals